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For the last twenty-nine years we have successfully marketed our online services to the Central Valley. Beginning in 1989, we opened the first online bulletin board in Madera County that two years later was recognized as one of the nation's top 15 BBS's in the county by Boardwatch Magazine.

Six years later we launched MaderaOnline.com as Madera County's first online newspaper. Millions of user sessions later we are still a valley leader in online communication delivering BigValleyNews.com to online readers from Merced to Tulare county's.

Today through Big Valley Media we not only report the news online and deliver your online advertising to our reader, we can also manage our advertisers' entire Social Media campaign. From Facebook to Twitter to Instagram, we will make sure your message gets out to your new and loyal customers every day.

Social Media users participate in a complex web of interactions where they communicate and interact with each other within an ever-expanding, diverse living community. It is difficult, never-ending, always changing, time consuming, time-sensitive, at times overwhelming, and definitely mandatory for conducting business in our day and age.

Big Valley Media Marketing has a unique strategy for building and managing client profiles.  For a fraction of the time and cost of a full-time employee, Big Valley Media can help you add thousands of contacts to your social media profile, while using social media management expertise to interact with all your contacts.

“MANAGEMENT” is the keyword! Big Valley Media will manage your social media profiles by building contact lists, filtering contacts, maintaining a professional profile image, keeping interaction personal yet professional, monitoring interaction for potential business “leads,” and responding to interaction in a timely manner.

Oftentimes, business managers and marketing coordinators struggle to manage social media; not knowing how to properly build, maintain, or focus on this form of outreach nor do they always have the time to prioritize this form of communication.

Social Media is our expertise and where we do business all day, every day at Big Valley Media. Call us and let us show you what we will do as your Social Media Manager.

as of November 1, 2023

NEW - Big Valley Radio - SPECIAL 6 MONTHS Price
30 Second Radio Spot - 10 Times Per Day -  Special for New Radio Advertisers
Production included
(6 months)
30 Second Radio Spot - 25 Times Per Day -  Special for New Radio Advertisers
Production included
(6 months)
60 Second Radio Spot - 10 Times Per Day -  Special for New Radio Advertisers
Production included
(6 months)
60 Second Radio Spot - 25 Times Per Day -  Special for New Radio Advertisers
Production included
(6 months)
SPECIAL - Big Valley News Rotating Advertising - SPECIAL YEARLY


Elite Business 295x60 Rotating Advertising -  Special One Spot Run
Includes Graphic, URL and Info
(1 year)
Elite Front Page 300x300 Rotating Advertising -  Special One Spot Run
Includes Graphic, URL and Info
(1 year)
Big Valley News Static Banner Advertising


Static Small Button 125x125 30 Day Run
Includes Graphic, URL and Info


Big Box Ad 300x300 - 30 Day Run
Includes Graphic, URL and Info


Long Ad 295x60 - 30 Day Run
Includes Graphic, URL and Info


Large Top Page Banner Ad 728x60 - 30 Day Run
Includes Graphic, URL and Info


Top Page Banner Ad 468x60 - 30 Day Run
Includes Graphic, URL and Info


Political Ads (Rotating Advertising) Banner Ad 300x300 - 100 Day Run
Includes Graphic, URL and Info


Obituaries -  90 Day Run
Includes Graphic, URL and Info


Social Media Management


Facebook Management - 30 Days


Twitter Management - 30 Day


YELP Management - 30 Day


Social Media Management (All Three) - 30 Day


Big Valley Media Services


Web Design


Ad Design Fee - No Charge on Two Year Contracts


Elite Ad Design Fee - No Charge on Two Year Contracts


Initial Consultation ($75 per hour)

(1st Hour)

Call‪ (559) 479-8393‬ For More Information
50% Discount For 30 Day Run Ads on One Year Contracts

1Sam 16:7





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